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Swiss Insurance & Financial Advisors



Why Life insurance?

The Swiss pension system is based on three pillars. The three pillar principle (Swiss federal constitution, art. 111) is aimed at maintaining the accustomed standard of living for insured persons or their dependants during retirement or in the event of disability or death.

The 1st Pillar of Switzerland's welfare system consists of the Old Age and Survivors' Insurance (AHV), Disability Insurance (IV) and other supplementary benefits (EL). It is a mandatory, federally administered system of insurance intended to guarantee a basic standard of living in old age or disability and provides support for a person's surviving dependants.

As a Swiss employee, you are covered through the Swiss Social Security System (Pillar I and II) for old-age, survivor’s benefits, and disability due to illness or accident (AHV/IV), occupational old-age and disability insurance (BVG) provisions apply to the employer's pension fund and govern insurance against the consequences of disability and death as a result of illness, as well as savings for old age. The federal law on accident insurance (UVG) contains additional regulations covering benefits in the event of disability or death as the result of an accident, as well as the costs of treatment following an accident. However, especially in case of illness, you might discover a gap in coverage which could lead to financial distress.

Later on, at the time of retirement, you could discover another surprise. The benefits provided under the 1st and 2nd pillar are often insufficient to guarantee your accustomed standard of living when you retire (approx. 60% of your last income). You can compensate for this gap in cover with your individual pension provision

Which Insurance is right for my needs?

To help you in your decision making, we will prepare a personal analysis, which consists of your personal life situation, existing insurance covers, your needs and financial situation. The analyses builds the basis to find the right product for you.

Tax benefits

Within the III. pillar, the legislation offers you tax privileges under certain circumstances.

Order the statment of your individual AHV account

Mühlebachstrasse 43
8008 Zurich, Switzerland
Tel. +41(0)44 252 81 15